Keep Your Cluster Healthy

Keep Your Cluster Healthy

Keep Your Cluster Healthy

• 152 proactive health checks

• No dependencies - kubectl commands only

• No signup required

• 152 proactive health checks

• No dependencies - kubectl commands only

• No signup required

• 152 proactive health checks

• No dependencies - kubectl commands only

• No signup required

  • Analyze node resource allocation, responsiveness, and utilization to ensure optimal load distribution.

    Node Health Examination

  • Monitor pod lifecycle events, identifying frequent restarts, crash loops, and irregularities in deployment replicas.

    Pod Stability Monitoring

  • Evaluate inter-pod and intra-cluster communication for latency, packet loss, and proper DNS resolution.

    Network Connectivity Check

  • Assess persistent volume and claim bindings, availability, and potential data corruption risks.

    Storage Integrity Analysis

  • Monitor the vital signs of core components like the API Server, Controller Manager, and Scheduler, ensuring they operate without disruptions.

    Core System Component Audit

docker run -it -p 8888:8888 --user root unskript/awesome-runbooks:latest

Download Docker


CONTAINER_ID=`docker ps | tail -1 | awk '{print $1}'`; docker cp <KUBECONFIG.YAML> $CONTAINER_ID:/tmp/kubeconfig.yaml

Upload kubeconfig file


docker exec -it $CONTAINER_ID bash

Start interactive cli

3 -cc --type k8s /tmp/kubeconfig.yaml; -rc --type k8s

Run the checks