k8s: Rollback Kubernetes Deployment
This runbook can be used to rollback Kubernetes Deployment
k8s: Resize a PVC
This runbook resizes a Kubernetes PVC.
k8s: Pod Stuck in Terminating State
This runbook checks any Pods are in terminating state in a given k8s namespace.
k8s: Pod Stuck in ImagePullBackOff State
This runbook checks if any Pod(s) in ImagePullBackOff state in a given k8s namespace.
k8s: Pod Stuck in CrashLoopBackoff State
This runbook checks if any Pod(s) in CrashLoopBackoff state in a given k8s namespace.
k8s: Kubernetes Log Healthcheck
This RunBook checks the logs of every pod in a namespace for warning messages.
k8s: Get candidate nodes for given configuration
This runbook get the matching nodes for a given configuration (storage, cpu, memory, pod_limit) from a k8s cluster
k8s: Get kube system config map
This runbook fetches the kube system config map for a k8s cluster and publishes the information on a Slack channel.
k8s: Delete Evicted Pods From All Namespaces
This runbook shows and deletes the evicted pods for given namespace.
Display long running queries in a PostgreSQL database
This runbook displays collects the long running queries from a database and sends a message to the specified slack channel.
Jira Visualize Issue Time to Resolution
Using the Panel Library - visualize the time it takes for issues to close over a specifict timeframe
Fetch Jenkins Build Logs
This runbook fetches the logs for a given Jenkins job and posts to a slack channel
Elasticsearch Rolling restart
This runbook can be used to perform rolling restart on ES
Delete IAM profile
This runbook is the inverse of Create IAM user with profile - removes the profile, the login and then the IAM user itself..
AWS Redshift Update Database
This runbook can be used to update a redshift database from a SQL file stored in S3.
AWS Redshift Get Daily Costs from EC2 Usage
This runbook can be used to create charts and alerts around AWS EC2 usage. It requires a Cost and USage report to be live in RedShift.
AWS Redshift Get Daily Costs from AWS Products
This runbook can be used to create charts and alerts around Your AWS product usage. It requires a Cost and USage report to be live in RedShift.
Update and Manage AWS User permission
This runbook can be used Update and Manage AWS IAM User Permission
Troubleshooting Your EC2 Configuration in a Private Subnet
This runbook can be used to troubleshoot EC2 instance configuration in a private subnet by capturing the VPC ID for a given instance ID.
Terminate EC2 Instances Without Valid Lifetime Tag
This runbook can be used to list all the EC2 instances which don't have a lifetime tag and then terminate them.
Stop Untagged AWS EC2 Instances
This runbook can be used to Stop all EC2 Instances that are Untagged
Secure Publicly accessible Amazon RDS Snapshot
This lego can be used to list all the manual database snapshots in the given region.
Launch AWS EC2 from AMI
This lego can be used to launch an AWS EC2 instance from AMI in the given region.
Restrict S3 Buckets with READ/WRITE Permissions to all Authenticated Users
This runbook will list all the S3 buckets.
Restart unhealthy services in a Target Group
This runbook restarts unhealthy services in a target group. The restart command is provided via a tag attached to the instance.
Restart AWS Instances with a given tag
This runbook will discover all AWS EC2 instances matching a tag and then restart them. It will notify status through slack after its done.
Restart AWS EC2 Instances
This runbook can be used to Restart AWS EC2 Instances
Resize PVC
This runbook resizes the PVC to input size.
Resize EBS Volume
This run resizes the EBS volume to a specified amount. This runbook can be attached to Disk usage related Cloudwatch alarms to do the appropriate resizing.
Renew AWS SSL Certificates that are close to expiration
This runbook can be used to list all AWS SSL (ACM) Certificates that need to be renewed within a given threshold number of days.
Remediate unencrypted S3 buckets
This runbook can be used to filter all the S3 buckets which are unencrypted and apply encryption on unencrypted S3 buckets.
Release Unattached AWS Elastic IPs
A disassociated Elastic IP address remains allocated to your account until you explicitly release it.
Publicly Accessible Amazon RDS Instances
This runbook can be used to find the publicly accessible RDS instances for the given AWS region.
List unused Amazon EC2 key pairs
This runbook finds all EC2 key pairs that are not used by an EC2 instance and notifies a slack channel about them.
Monitor AWS DynamoDB provision capacity
This runbook can be used to collect the data from cloudwatch related to AWS DynamoDB for provision capacity.
Lowering AWS CloudTrail Costs by Removing Redundant Trails
The AWS CloudTrail service allows developers to enable policies managing compliance, governance, and auditing of their AWS account.
Create an IAM user using Principle of Least Privilege
Extract usage details from Cloudtrail of an existing user. Apply the usage to a new IAM Policy, and connect it to a new IAM profile.
Get unhealthy EC2 instances from ELB
This runbook can be used to list unhealthy EC2 instance from an ELB.
Handle AWS EC2 Instance Scheduled to retire
To avoid unexpected interruptions, it's a good practice to check to see if there are any EC2 instances scheduled to retire.
Enforce Mandatory Tags Across All AWS Resources
This runbook can be used to Enforce Mandatory Tags Across All AWS Resources.
Enforce HTTP Redirection across all AWS ALB instances
This runbook can be used to enforce HTTP redirection across all AWS ALBs. Web encryption protocols like SSL and TLS have been around for nearly three decades.
AWS EC2 Disk Cleanup
This runbook locates large files in an EC2 instance and backs them up into a given S3 bucket.
Detect ECS failed deployment
This runbook check if there is a failed deployment in progress for a service in an ECS cluster.
Detach EC2 Instance from ASG and Load balancer
This runbook can be used to detach an instance from Auto Scaling Group and Load Balancer.
Delete Unused AWS Secrets
This runbook can be used to delete unused secrets in AWS.
Delete Unused AWS NAT Gateways
This runbook can be used to identify and remove any unused NAT Gateways. This allows us to adhere to best practices and avoid unnecessary costs.
Delete Unused AWS Log Streams
Cloudwatch will retain empty Log Streams after the data retention time period. Those log streams should be deleted in order to save costs.
Delete Unattached AWS EBS Volumes
This runbook can be used to delete all unattached EBS Volumes within an AWS region.
Delete Old EBS Snapshots
Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) snapshots are created incrementally, an initial snapshot will include all the data on the disk, and subsequent...
Delete EBS Volume With Low Usage
This runbook can help us identify low usage Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS) volumes and delete these volumes in order to lower the cost of your AWS bill.
Delete EBS Volume Attached to Stopped Instances
EBS (Elastic Block Storage) volumes are attached to EC2 Instances as storage devices. Unused (Unattached) EBS Volumes can keep...
Create IAM User with policy
Create new IAM user with a security Policy. Sends confirmation to Slack.
Copy AMI to All Given AWS Regions
This runbook can be used to copy AMI from one region to multiple AWS regions using unSkript legos with AWS CLI commands.
Configure URL endpoint on a AWS CloudWatch alarm
Configures the URL endpoint to the SNS associated with a CloudWatch alarm.
Change AWS Route53 TTL
For a record in a hosted zone, lower TTL means that more queries arrive at the name servers because the cached values expire sooner.
Change AWS EBS Volume To GP3 Type
This runbook can be used to change the type of an EBS volume to GP3(General Purpose 3).
Create a new AWS IAM User
AWS has an inbuilt identity and access management system known as AWS IAM. IAM supports the concept of users, group, roles and privileges.
AWS Add Mandatory tags to EC2
This xRunBook is a set of example actions that could be used to establish mandatory tagging to EC2 instances. First testing instances for compliance...
AWS Access Key Rotation for IAM users
This runbook can be used to configure AWS Access Key rotation. Changing access keys (which consist of an access key ID and a secret access...